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Sex education for children with disabilities in early age school


Τhe project “LovABLE: Sex education for children with disabilities in early age school” aims to promote the inclusion of disabled children in the important pedagogical education about human anatomy, human rights and self-awareness, healthy emotional relations and responsibilities, concent, hygiene, privacy, safety, sexuality along its development and issues of disability. Although sex education is becoming a part of the curriculum in most schools in the EU, less has been done for adapting and considering related issues for disabled children especially in early-childhood.


Develop and apply high quality early childhood sex education for disabled children

Support teachers of disabled children with material and methodologies for introducing early childhood sex education in their lessons and everyday practices

Increase the inclusion of disabled children in sex education


Development of LovAble methodology targeting teachers, professionals working with children with disabilities and relevant professionals on how to educate them about sex and sexuality

Implementation of a learning training activity for teachers, professionals working with children with disabilities and relevant professionals for upskilling their skills on LovAble methodology and guidelines

Implementation of Local workshops with school community (parents, teachers, professionals, carers etc)

Implementation of Local pilot non-formal/ formal education activities – workshops with children with disabilities

LovAble events that will promote the methodology of the project and its results


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