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Sex education for children with disabilities in early age school


CHALLEDU – inclusion | games | education is a non-profit organization that pioneers new models of learning, inclusion and engagement. CHALLEDU is one of the leading R&D experts in game-solutions for education and inclusion. Our team designs and implements playful experiences, games, formal and non-formal educational programs, tools, platforms and applications based on cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approaches. We focus on 2 main sectors:

SOCIAL INCLUSION: The projects in this sector focus on inclusion and empowerment of marginalized groups, such as people with disabilities, people with health problems (i.e. dementia), older people, NEETs. The aims are: social inclusion, improved employability, development of skills and competencies, advocacy. The emphasis is given to create environments where people with different abilities, cultural backgrounds and skills, and different generations can interact with each other. The approaches in this sector involve non-formal and informal education, living labs, open co-creative workshops, game-based tools, and cross-sectoral approaches.

EDUCATION AND INNOVATION: We see education as a driver for positive societal, environmental, and innovative change. The projects developed in this sector focus on the promotion of entrepreneurship, STE(A)M education, civic and active citizenship, environmental challenges and agriculture, culture, and sustainable development. Our target groups include young people, adults, students, trainers and educators, professionals and institutions. Our approach encompasses forms of non-formal and informal education, game-based methodologies, role-model methodology, open-learning and digital tools, gamification, as well as cross-sectoral approaches.



“PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION UNIT IN CHALKIDA (PSEUC) is a public school, established in 2006, in Chalkida (the capital city of the island Euboea). It is the only unit of the island that works with disabled students in preschool age (4-7 years old). Our school has a team of teachers and professionals (occupational therapist, logopedist, school nurse, social worker, psychologist, and special support staff) and works with students who come from several locations around the island.

Teachers and specialists collaborate and play an active role in the educational process and encourage the participation of students in various activities inside and outside the classroom, following the school’s daily program. They participate in the investigation of the needs and the shaping of the individualized education program of the students, submitting corresponding proposals in the field of their responsibilities. At regular intervals, they evaluate the development of children and the course of the program and make necessary changes where needed. Additionally, they plan interventions, helping parents, to improve daily activities of children at home, asking them to be supporters and “”fellow travelers””.

This school year (2023-24) we are working with 32 students, with different kinds of disability (the majority of them is in the autism spectrum). As a school, our principle is that children with disabilities have a right to be involved in an education that contributes to the full development of human potential, sense of dignity and self-worth, strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental freedom, and human diversity as well. We are trying to discover their talent and be creative to promote their mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential. And finally, we are trying to enable them to participate effectively in a free society. We are also trying to make citizens from our city to be an ally, to participate in our agenda for inclusive education, to get in touch with the world of disability.

In other words, we are trying hard to empower our students in the process of developing skills and abilities with major goal to be equally included in the society– among all of us!



“The School Center for Inclusive Education Arad is an educational unit, which is part of the school network, with the aim and purpose of recovery, compensation, rehabilitation, school and social integration of various categories of children / students / young people with disabilities. The school ensures access to education for all children, through formal education and educational services for children with special educational needs, both in special and mainstream education, as well as the staff involved in their education. Our school aims to create an attractive and friendly environment as well as an accessible curriculum that discovers and develops the potential of each child.

Our school is located in Arad, Romania. The school has been operating since the 1950s and can be considered as belonging to the category of special schools with a capacity of 300 places. In this school year we have around 200 students with moderate, severe and associated impairments learn in our school and 83 for homeschooling (for the most severe cases). We provide educational and therapeutic services for about 800 pupils with special educational needs in 60 mainstream schools in the municipality and the county through 70 teachers and itinerant teachers.

Children and students attending our school are aged between 3 and 20 and are students with moderate, severe, severe, profound and associated mental impairment. The moderate and mildly disabled children are in classes with 8 – 12 pupils and for the severe, profound and associated children the classes are with 4 – 6 pupils). The school has a number of 98 permanent teachers with specializations in: psychology, special psycho-pedagogy, pedagogy, Romanian language and literature, educational counselling, social work and other specializations.

Our institution is subordinated at national level to the Ministry of National Education through the Arad County Inspectorate, and at local level the main authorising officer is the Arad County Council. All school staff, teaching, auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff are employed by the state system. The teaching staff is made up of teachers with higher education degrees in psychology, special psychology and physiotherapy.

